Saturday, July 10, 2010

CT scan results

So the scan went well.  Dr. Havachek said he has some narrowing in the coronary that will also have to be repaired along with the additional arch work to the aorta. So not just the glenn but two other things as well.  This is gonna be a rough ride.  But at least we're ready and waiting for the next surgical date.  Everything else is done and ready. Holding our breath until then.

preparing for the next step

His PA bands are getting too small now.  His cath looked good, but D. Bradley wants to make sure there are no surprises like there were during the last surgery, so he and  dr Zyblewski reviewed the cath angogram results again.  This time they suspect that Vance's coronary arteries may not follow the normal path.  They think it's possible the arteries run through the heart wall not on the outside as usual.  So we have to have a CT scan before Dr. Bradley will consider surgery.  The Dr. that does the scans is out of town so we won't be able to get to it for another week.